Success stories

Knowledge is meant to be shared

A desk with some mockups printed and post-its

Success stories

Knowledge is meant to be shared. Explore the cards below to learn more about how companies around Visma have leveraged their teams to work better with turning data into insights.

Success story image preview

North Star

Lessons from Dinero: How to operationalise your product strategy with a North Star

Success story image preview

North Star

Lessons from ProActive: How to engage teams with an inspiring North Star

Design Sprint

From Mockup to pNPS UP in Visma Recruit

North Star

Lessons from Ecare: How to help customers thrive with a meaningful North Star

Design Sprint

How to drive innovation and transform a team in 4 days

Success story image preview

Design Sprint

How to win a €3.2 million deal without writing a single line of code

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