Data Collection and Analytics

Efficient data collection for focused product insights

Enabling meaningful value from data through analytics and continuous improvement

We help you become best-in-class at understanding your users, by leveraging reliable and safe data collection of user behaviour and in-app user feedback in your products.

History of Visma-wide initiatives for understanding customers and users

  • NPS in Visma is born
Visma starts with the Net Promoter System through “relational” and “transactional” NPS.
  • August
The product NPS (pNPS) project is started to collect user feedback inside Visma’s cloud products.
  • October
First product collect pNPS feedback.
  • During 2019
pNPS is rolled out extensively and the idea and goal of understanding the “digital body language” of users is formulated.
  • January
Hackathon on behaviour data platform is conducted.
  • November
First product goes live with behaviour data collection platform.
  • December
Introduction of Visma’s Product Usage Report (VISPUR).
First product goes live in data warehouse-native product analytics tool.

Efficient data collection helps teams
to build better products

In Visma, we aim to create technology that people enjoy. We’ve had a common and structured way of doing this since 2012, when we started with NPS.

For a company to know their return on investment in product development it is vital they mature in product-led thinking. But knowing what matters can be hard. Building the right things means building the products and features that deliver value to people, either by reducing cost (including time) or increasing revenue. We should be able to see if we have built the right things through the adoption of the things and the willingness to pay for the things. Proven methodologies show that a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodologies are necessary to succeed with this.

In a SaaS world, technological development forces us to rethink how we work to understand our users. We know there’s a connection between pNPS and growth rate (source: VISDOM). In other industries, we see game-changing companies completely dominating their respective fields simply by understanding their user needs. Understanding users is a necessity to become and stay a competitive tech company.

With Product Analytics we make it easier by empowering Visma teams with scalable and reliable data and insights around user intent, so they can build the right things and make progress happen, from shaping strategy to executing it in product teams.

We currently focus on finding out user intent in two ways:
- by asking people and
- by observing behaviour.

We are here to help

Product Analytics' contribution in Visma's MD Summit. See it and understand why you should invest in Product Analytics.

Product Analytics in Visma's MD Summit preview image

Product Analytics in Visma's MD Summit

See the presentation and understand why you should invest in product analytics.
Preview image for the video
Group of people working together


With Visma's central services for Product Analytics yield:
  • Compliance by design by owning your own data
  • x4 more cost-efficient alternative than the market
  • Less vendor lock-in
  • A flexible setup to serve everyone in the organisation
Group of people working together


The essential piece of any data-driven work is to collect the relevant data for analysis. Through Visma Product Analytics there are two sources of data collection.
  • User behaviour through Visma's Product Usage Platform.
  • User feedback through Visma's User Feedback Platform.
These two sources allows Visma to be able to collect what users say as well as what they do in our products, ultimately creating the fundamental capability to understand user intent.
Group of people working together


When data gets collected it gets stored. Considering Visma's high requirements on compliance, availability, and quality it is a vital piece to ensure safe and secure storage of data.

Above all, by just having data available is also solving half the problem. It contributes to a data-driven culture and lowers the threshold of doing deep data analyses.
Group of people working together


With a strong foundation in data, robust collection and available storage, Visma Product Analytics offers a set of insights capabilities built on top of the data collected. Creating an ecosystem of foundational and purpose-built insights to enhance product teams using data.

The Use capabilities constitutes of three parts:
  • Web and Mobile Analytics - for basic insights and the ones who getting started
  • Contextual Analytics - for the intermediate ones aiding in finding your focus
  • Core Product Analytics - for the advances ones who are becoming more product-led
A decision intelligence engine

What is VISDOM?

The VISDOM project aims to leverage this position, and use the data we have available in Visma to find answers to the question "What make a Visma product successful?"

The project was initiated in 2020 together with Hg Capital. Today it is a continuous initiative driven by Product Development that analyses dozens of datasets across hundreds of Visma companies and products.

Find previous years results below:


Success stories

Knowledge is meant to be shared. Explore the cards below to learn more about how companies around Visma have leveraged their teams to work better with turning data into insights.

Trial activation

We helped companies identify that 52% of users converted through specific features.

Woman checking her phone

Users become unhappy after 23 minutes of active usage.

Woman having a chat with a colleague
Identify badly utilised features

Decreased the number of clicks by 1.5 million clicks in a year.

Identifying leading indicators

Helping companies creating actionable and quantifiable metrics for their North Stars.

UI optimisation

Identified that 5 out of 8 steps in a flow were barely used (less than 1% of all usage). Slimming it down resulted in a 21% reduction in task completion time.

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